Meet Rose Ferguson, C.Ht, NBC-HWC
I struggled with not knowing what I wanted to do when I grew up (are we ever done growing?), but I knew I wanted to help people, and as a young professional I enjoyed training, assisting, and uplifting others.
In 2015 I stumbled upon the healing world and never looked back. Now my curiosity about how the mind works and my passion for helping people fuels my work.
As your coach or therapist, I am not here to fix you. You are whole and complete. I am here to support you in your journey to find the answers deep inside of you. I have tools and techniques to support you on this road, and my pledge is to keep learning, researching, and growing myself so that I can better help you.
I've used my techniques to find my own answers to chronic eczema, lyme disease, and being overweight. I’ve helped others overcome issues such as insomnia, anxiety, and birth trauma. I’d love to accompany you on your journey!
Certified IEMT Practitioner, Certified Master Hypnotist, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Approved HypnoJab™ Consultatn, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner, Certified Meridian Stress Assessment Technician
Rose Ferguson can be reached at rose@ghhcenter.com
Certifications from the American Hypnosis Association
Certified Specialist, Trauma Recovery Hypnosis
Certified Specialist, Hypnosis for Labor and Childbirth
Certified Specialist, Pre and Post Surgery Hypnosis
Certified Specialist, Hypnosis and Sports Performance
Certified Specialist, Hypnosis for ADD/ADHD
Certified Specialist, Anxieties and Fears
Hypnotherapy: For smoking cessation, anxiety, sports performance, pre and post surgery hypnosis, habit change, childbirth, pediatric hypnosis (for school anxiety, behavioral issues, mastering fears, etc) , weight loss and more.
IEMT (Integral Eye Movement Therapy): Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) is a therapeutic approach focused on processing the emotions associated with past experiences so that we can move forward in our lives. During an IEMT session, a practitioner asks a client to recall an unhappy memory or unwanted emotion while moving their eyes. These combined actions allow a client to reprocess the memory and the emotion attached to it, enabling them to resolve that trigger. IEMT does not require a client to discuss or relive past experiences. The client simply visualizes the memory associated with the feelings they wish to move past.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques): Emotional Freedom Technique is technique that involves tapping near the end points of “energy meridians” located around the body. People use EFT in order to reduce tension, promote a deeper mind-body connection, and manage symptoms of anxiety, depression or stress.
Lifestyle Prescriptions Health Coaching®:
Lifestyle Prescriptions Health Coaching®: is extremely effective because it focuses exclusively on the root-causes of symptoms. It's based on the newest research in Lifestyle Medicine and the Organ-Mind-Brain Connection, demonstrating that up to 80% of chronic health issues can be reversed through comprehensive life changes.
Meridian Stress Assessment: Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA) helps detect and identify energetic and regulatory disturbances. Functional disturbances can be detected early— even from the very beginning of a pred-clinical phase (when you display symptoms, but nobody can identify their cause).

“I have been working with Rose as I transition into a new career, and I found future tracking to be a powerful motivational tool. Visualization techniques like this one have helped top athletes, entrepreneurs, and business leaders achieve their goals. I highly recommend contacting Rose for a peak performance consultation. She works with clients remotely or in person! "

H.P., Centreville VA
“I have been working with Rose and it has honestly been changing my life! Most of our sessions have an EFT exercise to unwind me, calm me down, or “dig it out” of me. I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from my chest (there is a lot in there). Overall, I feel more grounded and like I “know myself better” and accept myself so much more. It is almost like she is untangling my emotional (subconscious) brain from my logical (conscious) brain so that I can be more efficient and in charge of my own life again. I am such a fan!"

C.G, Gainesville, VA
Rose is engaging, connected, and in tune with the needs of her client. She immediately puts you at ease, and guides you into what is needed at that time. Whether it be an EFT, hypnosis, or combined session. Rose also provides tools and guidance so that you can continue building on work from the session in your home environment.
G.D., Cambridge MA

E.P., Fairfax, VA
Rose has helped my daughter and me with chronic mental and physical health issues. We are using hypnotherapy, Lifestyle Prescriptions and EFT to improve our quality of life. We are recommending Rose and her techniques to family and friends.

Dr. T., Centreville, VA
Rose is an amazing hypnotherapist! I have had the occasion to refer clients to her and her results are fantastic! I can't recommend her highly enough. She is top notch and I recommend you try her services.

K.G., Centreville, VA
Rose is a wonderful practitioner who has completely changed my life and made me a new human being. She’s helped me understand and treat my anxiety on a level no one else ever has before, and she’s given me practical tools to use at home as well. I’m so pleased to have met her and so grateful that she’s out there doing what she does.
I definitely wanted to let you know, I really am thankful to have met you and for all of the help you have provided me with. It’s of course nice to be able to talk to somebody on the outside without any worries. You really are amazing at what you do, and for being the kind of person you are.
I have been working with Rose for about 8 months for various health issues resulting from an accident in 2020. During this time I have been having meridian Stress Assessments which highlighted internal issues that have been missed & because of Rose I am now on the right path forward.
Also, during this time I have continued to suffer with weight gain; Rose invited me to join the HypnoJab program, which is fantastic. If you want to lose weight and enjoy the process, then Rose is the right person for you. This has been and continues to be quite the journey, but with Roses enthusiasm, drive, commitment and support you have the best person in your corner. Rose truly is motivational & cares.
Rose Ferguson helped me gain a competitive edge in the sport of fencing. She has become an integral member of my team. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
Not even fully bilingual, I was able to follow Rose's instructions and make myself understood. It's easy and really amazing. I had a panic attack and had a lot of anxiety related to a colleague and after three online sessions, it was over. I recommend Rose for IEMT and hypnotherapy to everyone.
​I am veteran of the Special Operations community with 7 deployments, and currently have a job that requires me to be on call. From my time in the Army and from my current job I had developed some form of insomnia due to the stressors that come with having to be so constantly alert. I came to Rose out of options, and looking for a solution to fix my insomnia that had been wreaking havoc on my life and sleep. I had tried many different techniques I learned through quick youtube videos and extensive web searches, and nothing can compare to the progress that came from my sessions with Rose. I used to be essentially reliant on sleeping aids, but after just a few sessions with Rose I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep naturally. By the end of my 12 session package, it would be an under statement to say the progress made was significant. I cannot recommend her services enough, if you are struggling with sleep and want to get back to where you used to be, Rose is the person you're looking for!
​Over the course of 6 months I worked with Rose on a 20 year problem of insomnia. How lucky I was to find Rose because Rose is very skilled with insomnia and hypnosis.
In the first session and all sessions thereafter she had me sleeping on her couch in hypnosis in 2-3 minutes. I took the recorded sessions and played them at night w the same results - sleeping in minutes and mostly through the night!
This quick result was a miracle!
After years of searching for the magic bullet to my sleep issue - Rose's hypnosis was the answer. I feel so fortunate to have stumbled into Rose.
Not only was her hypnosis excellent, but her knowledge of holistic health was broad; she was kind, easy to talk to, and insightful.
She used information from our conversations for our hypnosis sessions in very artful, intelligent ways. Rose is a hypnosis super star!!!
-KH, Oakton, VA
Growing up always anxious I naturally thought it was just WHO I was...then I began working with Rose last July and quickly realized that wasn’t the case. I was amazed how much better I felt as I learned tools to help with my anxiety, endless worry and severe back pain. EFT tapping has given me the ability to quiet my anxiety should it come creeping in. The calm I feel after hypnotherapy is incredible...and again gives me tools to help refocus when I need to. To not struggle everyday anymore is so freeing and having the ability to now know HOW to regain focus before I spiral is comforting. And my physical pain subsided the less anxious and worried I was. I’m so thankful to know its not WHO I am. Rose is so personable and wonderful to work with. I have greatly appreciated her help, guidance and support on my journey. She genuinely cares for each of her clients. I highly recommend her to anyone wanting to feel that freedom and healing from life’s burdens. Lastly, I highly recommend if you are expecting or just had a little to work with Rose, she provides care for your journey and you will be glad you did as our bodies are going through so many changes during that time; especially during the 4th trimester. - B.D., Gainesville, VA
I went to Rose for therapy to finally quit smoking. After trying everything with no luck over the course of 10 years, I met with her and followed her program. I'm glad to say that I have been tobacco free for almost a year and a half! Rose, I can't thank you enough! :) - A.I, Centreville, VA