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Whole-listic Solution


(Mind + Body + Soul = Whole)

Finding the real U, holistic = realistic

Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome owner of the Billionaire Parenting and co-author with Dr Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Bob Proctor and many more

Doctor in Chiropractic - DC
PhD in Integrative Medicine - PhD 
Pastoral Science & Medicine Doctorate - PScD
Doctor in Integrative Medicine - IMD
Doctor in Natural Medicine - DNM
Doctor in Humanitarian Services - DHS
Board Certified in Anti-Aging Medicine - ABAAHP
Fellowship in Anti-Aging Medicine and Functional Medicine - FAAMFM
Fellowship in Integrative Medicine - FIM
Fellowship in Integrative Cancer Therapy - FITC
Fellowship in Chiropractic Craniopathy - FICS
Fellowship in Alternative Medicine - FAM
Fellowship in Holistic Health - FHH
Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner - BCHHP
Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner - BCAMP
Diplomat in Chiropractic Craniopathy - DICS
Certified in Functional Medicine - CFMP
Certified Lifestyle Prescriptions® Health Coach - CLPHC
Certified Homeopathic Consultant - CHC
Certified Kinesiotape Practitioner - CKTP

Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome with Tony (Anthony) Robbins
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome awarded Talk of the Town for five years in a row
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome awarded SORSI Researcher of the Year 2009
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome awarded the Presidental Appreciation Award in 2010
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome awarded the Presidental Appreciation Award in 2010
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome names Chiropractor of the year 2009
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome awarded Chiropractor of the year 2011
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome awarded Chiropractor of the Year 2012
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome awarded the Presidental Appreciation Award in 2010
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome owner of the Gainesville Holistic Health Center (GHHC)

Meet Dr. Stéphane

Stéphane Provencher  PhD, DC, IMD, DNM, DHS, PScD, ABAAHP, FAAMFM, FICT, FIM, FICS, FAM, FHH, BCHHP, BCAMP, DICS, CFMP®, CHC, CLPHC, CKTP  was born in Québec, Canada and received his B.S. Degree in Medical Biology from the University of Québec at Trois-Rivières. Dr. Stéphane went on to attend Logan College of Chiropractic, where he earned his Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degree with honors in 2007. Achieved his Pastoral Science Doctorate (PSc.D.) in July 2017. Diplomat in Craniopathy in 2015 (DICS), Fellowship in Integrative Medicine in 2017 (FIM) and Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (BCHHP) and Fellowship in Holistic Health (FHH) by AADP and Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner (BCAMP) and Fellowship in Alternative Medicine (FAM) by AAMA in 2017. He is fluent in French and English.


While at Logan College, Dr. Provencher’s numerous honors included Dean’s List, the Health Center Achievement Award, the Clinical Assistant Award and Who’s Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges. He has studied extensively at the postgraduate level earning Whiplash Certification, Craniopathy Certification, Pediatric Certification and Kinesiotaping Certification.

Dr. Stéphane is an avid researcher, having completed more than 11 senior research projects at Logan College, including research on Sacro Occipital Technic® (SOT® Methods), which he currently uses in his practice. He has published an article in the JVSR in 2009. In collaboration with Dr. Joseph F. Unger, Jr., he developed information on ADHD and Autism for use by chiropractors and their patients wishing to learn more about the disease and the multiple treatment modalities available through chiropractic and related natural therapies.

Dr. Stéphane is also the chairman of research for SORSI. Dr. Stéphane was named Researcher of the Year 2009 by SORSI, America's Chiropractors of the Year 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016 and 2017 by the Consumer Research Council of America and Presidential Appreciation award by SORSI in 2010. Dr. Stéphane is the co-founder and primary developer of the SORSI-EBRN (Evidence Based Research Network) and automatic online case reporting system to improve Chiropractic research.
Dr. Stéphane was awarded Talk of the Town of Virginia in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 & 2018. Dr. Stéphane was nominated Best Holistic and Integrative Medicine Practitioner in 2016, 2017 & 2019 by the Gainesville award program.



Dr. Stéphane wrote a book called Billionaire Parenting – Give your Kids the World in 2014 ( His passion is the bridge western, eastern, alternative and holistic medicine under one roof and builds a Whole-Listic Children’s Hospital, Academy, and Spa resort.



Author featured among Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Maya Angelou, Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup), Brian Tracy, Tom Hopkins, Bob Proctor, Jack Nicklaus and many other in the Leaders & Legends – One life, success, health, wealth and happiness book from the America’s Legacy Library. September 2015.



Best Seller Co-author a book called "Beyond the Back". December 2016.



Author featured among Dr. Deepak Chopra MD, Dr. John Demartini, Joe Vitale in the America's STAR Entrepreneurs - the Power of Purpose. November 2017.

- HALF-OFF pricing here.

Former Lifestyle Prescription (R) University Faculty and instructor.



Featured on

Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome awarded 2017 Best of Gainesville in Holistic and Integrative Medicine
Dr. Stephane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome featured at the Lifestyle Medicine Summit among Dr. Dean Ornish, Sayer Ji, Dawson Church, Bernie Siegal, JJ Virgin, Ocean Robbins and more
Dr. Stephane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome featured at the Lifestyle Medicine Summit among Dr. Dean Ornish, Sayer Ji, Dawson Church, Bernie Siegal, JJ Virgin, Ocean Robbins and more
Dr. Stephane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome featured at the Lifestyle Medicine Summit among Dr. Dean Ornish, Sayer Ji, Dawson Church, Bernie Siegal, JJ Virgin, Ocean Robbins and more
Dr. Stephane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome featured at the Lifestyle Medicine Summit among Dr. Dean Ornish, Sayer Ji, Dawson Church, Bernie Siegal, JJ Virgin, Ocean Robbins and more
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome members of the AADP
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome member of the AHHA
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome internationally certified Sacro Occipital Technic Method (SOT(R) Method)

Click HERE for Dr. Stéphane resumé



Dr. Stéphane is the former vice-president of the Whole-Listic Children's Foundation,


Author of the Billionaire Parenting - Give your Kids the World book to fulfilled his dream to build a Whole-Listic Children's Hospital (



Follow Dr. Stéphane aka Dr. Awesome®:



Book Your Appointment NOW:
In-Person: 571-248-0695

Online Appointment (skype or phone): Schedule Now



Author and Contributor :
Leaders and Legends of
released: 9/2015
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome author and collaborator among Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Bob Proctor, Dr. John Demartini, Jack Canfield and more
Best-Seller Co-Author :
Beyond the Back: The Chiropractic Alternative For Conditions Beyond Back Pain: 9 Top Chiropractors Share How They Help Patients Avoid Drugs and Surgery Naturally
released: 12/2016
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome best seller author
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome best seller author
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome best seller author
Author  & Contributor:
America's Outstanding ENTREPRENEURS
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome author and contributor among Joe Vitale, Deepak Chopra and other
Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome author and contributor among Joe Vitale and Deepak Chopra and other


My Story

Dr. Stéphane Provencher’s earliest memories resounded with cries of pain and discomfort. Massively obese and bullied throughout childhood, he knew one thing for certain; he was not normal. “By the time my parents divorced, it was clear that any personal roadmap I might have developed was shattered, my destiny was a vague memory wrapped in the solitude of despair. It was years later, after leaving school and traveling to Europe, after reading The Alchemist that I discovered my limiting beliefs were no more than illusion. I began to ask Who am I? Why am I here?


Dr. Stéphane was now free to recall how his gift for intuiting where in their bodies’ people held pain, enabled him to feel what they were feeling and help heal their emotional wounds. This awareness guided his dedicated studies and career in chiropractic as he began to understand how the intertwined relationship of the body, mind, and spirit worked together. For Dr. Stéphane, learning how emotions—not purely physical ailments—cause 90% of all pain and dis-ease, was not as much revelatory as confirmatory.


The staggering realization that emitting or sending frequencies of love can restore proper balance forever changed Dr. Stéphane’s life and the lives of those he serves. “I am 100% clear that I am a vehicle. My commitment and passion is to guide as many as possible to wellness through self-love and knowledge. I invite you to initiate your own extraordinary journey of the soul.”


Dr. Stéphane’s dream from a young age to unite a multi-faceted model of health care in one place is underway and coming to fruition with the building of the Whole-Listic Children’s Hospital.


Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome at the Gainesville Holistic Health Center

Gainesville Holistic

Health Center

(p) 571-248-0695; 0895
(f) 571-248-0964

Monday                           9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday & Thursday  9:00am - 5:00pm

Wednesday                    9:00am - 1pm

Select Fridays                9:00am - 1pm

Saturday                         Closed
Sunday                            Closed

Our office is closed for lunch from 1pm - 3pm Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

7528 Old Linton Hall Rd, Gainesville VA 20155

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© 2012 by GHHC * All Energy Medicine techniques at GHHC are not part of any established “standards of care” or “scope of practice”; All practitioners are INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS, operating their own business in an integrative way.

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